Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Spotted: Lucy Torres-Gomez at White Hat

Last October 23, we saw Lucy Torres-Gomez at SM City Cebu's White Hat Italian Frozen Yogurt opening. She looked so fresh and so simple - no heavy makeup and no bubblegum trendy clothes. She looked so stunningly elegant and classic.

Here are a few pictures

so chic, non?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Phantasmagoric Halloween

We celebrated Halloween last night at the office. The theme was Phantasmagoria. Wait...What's that again? Phantasmagoria - there. It sounded like a nasty word the first time I heard it. I felt stupid that I haven't head of this word before. Who says phantasmagoria anyway? Tsk tsk...Such a bizarre word!

So, I googled it and I checked Merriam Webster. It's defined as "a bizarre or fantastic combination, collection or assemblage." There you have it. I have added a new word to my vocabulary.

I planned to dress up as a fairy. I had on a little white dress which I covered up with a grey cardigan. I brought my fairy wings and nymph headdress with me, but I never got to wear them. I was handling a class for 8 hours and didn't have the time to dress up and change. Besides, I think it would look really ridiculous if I dressed up as a fairy while teaching my class everything about banking basics.

I was able to take a few pictures during my lunch break. Hope you enjoy them! :)

Our phantastic tree

Another phantastic scenery

Puss in Boots, Shrek and Robin Hood

Arwen and a Japanese Anime character


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Skydreamer Dines in Cebu: Zubuchon

I can officially say now that Zubuchon is THE best lechon in Cebu...

I heard about Zubuchon from Tessa Fernan, Casa Escano and Don Merto's general manager. She boasted about this "organic" lechon and how it's a healthy alternative compared to other lechon brands. We had to try it, and even without an idea of how this lechon really tasted, we impulsively decided to serve it to our guests in our wedding reception (back in September).

That day, I was apprehensive. I had no idea if the lechon was great or not. All I knew was that Tessa recommended it, and when I googled it a few days before the wedding, I read that Anthony Bourdain of No Reservations heralded it as the best roasted pig in the world. Ok, so maybe I wasn't apprehensive - haha. I was -  to be honest, very excited to taste what they said was an all-natural, best-tasting lechon in the world. Unfortunately, I didn't get to taste the lechon during the reception - if you've been married, you know what I mean. You can't eat at your own wedding because you're too busy with the program.

So a month after the wedding, hubby and I decided to head over to BTC (the other side of town for us because we live opposite that area) to buy a kilo of zubuchon. The part we got was, to be honest, a little too salty for my taste but overall, it was the best lechon I've ever tasted. The skin was crispy, the meat was tasty and tender, and I could taste traces of rosemary. I must me imagining that part, I'm not really sure but I think there were herbs stuffed in that lechon. I had a great lunch thanks to Zubuchon!

I don't have pictures because we all started eating before anyone could take a snap. For free delivery options, you can call (032) 583-5699 or (032) 236-5264 or 09176274761.