...So hubby and I ate in Sunburst SM yesterday for lunch-- and I know a lot of people are gonna think I'm weird after this, but I don't really like their chicken that much. I can cook a meaner fried chicken than what they have, but then that's just me.
I'm gonna post a picture later, but it's not mine...or better yet, I'm just not gonna post a picture so I won't get hate mails or suits or anything for that matter. You can just google sunburst chicken cebu for the pictures. (I don't have a camera right now. The camera I have, the one I share with my sister is in Malaysia -- she's there for 8 days, visiting her boyfriend. Hey sissy and Teddy! *waves*)
First of all, hubbydoo LOVES sunburst. He loves their chicken, their coleslaw and french fries, and chicken skin.He just loves it. We ate there because he wanted to.
Let me explain. He had always wanted to eat in Sunburst with me. He claims he has only eaten there with his family since he was a kid. Now, I'm no Sunburst child. My childhood was really delicious home cooked fare: leche flan, veggies, fish and chicken and pork and meat...spaghetti, macaroni...that kind of stuff. We didn't eat out a lot. We did, but not a lot. My mom was so much into the health food diet, and we looked great when we were kids. (we really did!)
Anyway, so back to Sunburst. I have eaten there in the past like maybe once, and I didn't like it at all. The food is oily (it's okay if it's oily, but I want to have an underlying taste of butter, and their food didn't).
So I ended up giving a chunk of my lunch to my husband who was happily chowing down his food. So for everyone out there who loves Sunburst, hats off to you. A lot of you do, including my husband. Granted, their food is great. But it's just not my cup of tea -- or chicken for the matter.