I bought The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger for my little sister, Deejay. She wanted me to buy her a paperback because she only had the ebook, and she really liked the story. So anyway, I ended up reading it, and it moved me so much, that throughout the weekend, I kept thinking about it -- if time traveling is possible, and I guess anything is possible if you just want to believe.
Anyway, I don't want to spoil the story by spilling it out here, but here's the basic: Henry is a time traveler, and he met Clare, his wife, when she was six and I think he was thirty six at that time? Or something. But he's really just 8 years older than Clare.
Their story is unusual, and while most people call it a love story, I'd rather call it a life story. It transcends above the usual love stories, and it's not at all mushy or anything like that. It felt so real. Their grief and heartache was so real for me because I can relate to some of them, and the book was just so beautiful. I laughed, I cried, I sighed, I waited, and I got impatient along with the characters. It just moved me so much. I really just wanted to hug the book, and kiss it over and over, and I don't know. It's so overwhelming.
I LOVE IT! This one's for keeps. I'm going to buy my own copy.
Why don't you read the book first before watching the movie? (Yeah, in case you haven't heard, it was made into a movie with Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana)
Read and experience its magic yourself. You'll see why then.