Okay, so this is not exactly a book review. I'm writing about this book, because I'm loving it. I had this book since -- I don't know...back in December? April?... Anyway, I have read this book before, but I didn't really appreciate it because I thought it was boring.
But then I stumbled on the book again the other day and started reading it again. I realized this book isn't something you need to read from cover to cover in one seating. This is more of a reference or a self-help book, and you kind of go over it when you need it or something.
Anyway, like I said, I have been reading it, and it's amazing. It answers all tricky questions like, "Do I have to say goodbye to my exes?" and duh-yeah. It's impossible to make two men who have both seen you naked into good friends. -- That was in the book! It was so hilarious, but it also made a lot of sense.
Useful stuff like how to manage your last names, how to decorate your new nest if you have different style views (or if your guy has no style), how to become a domestic goddess (which I am so NOT, but I want to be anyhow), how to handle spats, and how to have a wonderful life together starting NOW.
So you see, it is really a great book. The author says you don't have to be matronly in matrimony, and she's got it! I mean, this is how I look like and I'm married (and I gave birth already!):