Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Skydreamer Dines in Cebu: Flame It vs. Big City

I love monstrous flame grilled burgers! They're the best! (NO, I don't diet and I don't care if it's junk food!) Hubby and I compared Flame It and Big City last Sunday after watching GI Joe, and this is what we came up with:

We decided to see if Flame It's flame grilled burger is better than Big City's grilled burger with cheese.

First off, the price. Flame It's Flame grilled burger (basic burger without cheese) costs P78, while Big City's Grilled Burger with cheese and french fries on the side cost P110. I totally understand the difference. Cheese and fries add-on? Totally reasonable.

On to the taste. Flame It tasted sweet-tangy, was more meaty, and was juicy! It was divine! I loved it!

Big City had more flavor, but it was a bit dry compared to Flame It's burger, and it also looked bigger because they flattened out the patty to accommodate the size of the bun. Their fries were delish though, and they gave us some sort of dip (I don't really know what it was. It's like ranch, but not really).

So here are some pictures. At the end, we're going to put an X on the burger we liked better.

Here you go:


haha. yep, we loved both burgers! Flame grilled burgers rule!


Movie Review: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra

So hubbydoo and I finally got around to watching GI Joe in the big screen. Hubby really liked GI Joe, and collected action figures of the team back when he was a kid. So anyway, since we were really into our "saving" mode, hubby said that he's content to buy a dvd copy and watch it at home. But then last Sunday, we changed our minds, relaxed a bit, and finally decided to watch it in SM.

So the movie was great and I loved it! It was full of action, and I know this review is way late because most of you have already seen it, but I have just seen this movie, and that gives me the right to gab about this to no end. *grins*

First of all, let me tell you that I didn't even know what GI Joe was, and I didn't even know the plot, the story, the cartoon series way back, the action figures, whatever. I mean, I know hubby loved them, but come on, right? I've no interest in them whatsoever.

So I ended up in the theatres expecting to fall asleep. But I didn't! I loved the movie, and I understood it! You don't have to be a fan to watch it.

Besides, the people were gorgeous and sexy. That certainly didn't hurt!

That's it for now.


Book Review: Liir's time to shine...


So after some time, I finally finished Son of a Witch by Gregory Maguire. It wasn't at all what I expected. I was thinking of something more like Wicked with Liir in it instead of Elphaba. Well, was I in for a surprise! For instance, it lacked Wicked's humor and wit, and although it's still a fantasy book -- having Animals, a flying broomstick, the Grimmerie, dragons, Princess Nastoya and all that jazz -- it didn't strike me as magical enough. Well, Glinda was there, but if you've read Wicked, you know that her magic is really limited than what we were led to believe.
Son of A Witch is a book of revolution. It does not have the romanticism approach of Wicked. Everything in this book is more serious, more bloody, more political, more cruel, and more grim. Gregory Maguire spared no details and I found myself wincing in some of the descriptions. Wicked made me think along with the characters. Son of a Witch made me react against some of the characters.

But anyway this is still a good read. If you're Filipino, think of it this way: Wicked is to Noli Mi Tangere, where Son of a Witch is to El Filibusterismo. I mean, it's not exactly the same, plot-wise and everything. What I'm trying to say -- when you read Wicked or Noli Mi Tangere, it's light and serious at the same time, but there's always this beacon of hope even though someone dies at the end. Son of a Witch had to be grim and serious the way El Filibusterismo had to, because it somehow had to clean up the mess left in the first story. I think...So anyway...
